Business Tips

Follow These 7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Follow These 7 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Many of the top CEOs and innovators molded themselves into successful entrepreneurs through healthy habits that sparked productivity, motivation, and inspiration. Yes, they are intelligent and work hard. They also establish practices and processes that help them accomplish their goals.   It’s the amalgamation of these attributes that helped them reach their levels of success. […]

Business Tips

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6 Reasons Veterans Make Outstanding Employees

6 Reasons Veterans Make Outstanding Employees

Veterans are entering the workforce in huge numbers, and while unemployment among veterans is decreasing, these individuals frequently find themselves underemployed or working in positions far below their capabilities. This is a shame because veterans, as a group, have a lot to bring to your business. If you’re considering hiring a veteran or you saw […]

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Man pointing, business email concept

Email Marketing 101: How This Tactic Can Aid Your Small Business

One of the best things about digital marketing for small-business owners is that much of it can be done on a budget, and email marketing is no exception. And regarding effectiveness, email marketing tops the list. Most online consumers use email rather than social media or blogs. There are more than three billion email users […]

Business Tips

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Man pointing to the word outstanding in a list including excellent, good, average, and poor

The 10 Best Ways to Attract Top Talent for Your Small Business

The age-old question: how do you get highly qualified employees to come to you? By offering them what they can’t find anywhere else. If your small business is trying to build an extraordinary team, here are ten ways you can attract top talent. Pay Well All top workers deserve the right compensation. The easiest way […]

Business Tips

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Start up Company banner and icons

10 Tips to Help You Succeed When Starting a Small Business

Your small business may be just that—small—but it’s mighty. Over half of America’s sales come from the twenty-eight million small businesses incorporated here. However, only about 20% of small enterprises are in business after the first year. Whether you’re just starting out or have parts of your company up and running, the following ten tips […]

Business Tips

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promote internally or hire externally

Internal Promotion or External Hire? Use These 9 Factors to Decide

When a new position opens at your company, what do you do? Do you start casting a net for new hires or do you look at who you already have? While some believe it’s always better to promote from within, others think hiring externally is the best route. Before you decide, consider the following nine […]

Business Tips

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Graphic showing ten friendliest states for online businesses

10 Friendliest States for Online Business

You do business online—it shouldn’t matter where you’re located geographically, right? If business internet is “the great equalizer,” isn’t West Virginia just as digitally viable as Virginia? Aren’t the Carolinas and the Dakotas all the same when comes down to the 0s and 1s? We wanted to know: where’s the place to be? Frontier Business’s […]

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small team happiness

8 Tips to Increase Happiness on Your Small Team

One in five workers plans to change jobs in 2017, according to CareerBuilder. And part of the reason could be because these individuals don’t feel joy in their day-to-day goings-on in the workplace. Rather than have a high turnover rate for your organization, it’s critical to keep your employees happy. Don’t equate happiness with perks, […]

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Man and woman in a business office

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Summer Intern

Hiring a summer intern can be mutually beneficial for everyone involved. You get to provide someone with valuable workplace experience, and they help you with all those little tasks that take up valuable time. But if you only have your intern make the office cups of coffee and shred documents, you’re probably wasting their potential. […]

Business Tips

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how to establish the right social media budget

How to Establish the Right Social Media Budget

A recent survey from BIA/Kelsey, a market research firm and consulting agency, finds that nearly 80% of small businesses employ social media marketing, up from 73% in 2015. BIA/Kelsey analysts report the percentage continues to inch ever upward—2016 marks the third consecutive year in which small- and medium-sized-business owners ranked social media as their favored […]

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