Improve Your Marketing Efforts with Instagram

Someone taking a nighttime skyline photo on an iPhoneSomeone taking a nighttime skyline photo on an iPhone

You may have heard of the popular social media site Instagram, but have you used it to market your small business? Instagram is a popular social media site with over 400 million active monthly users, making it an excellent resource for small business owners. Instagram can be used to find customers that are truly interested in the products and services that you sell.

If you have been keeping up with the latest consumer trends and phenomena, you likely already know that direct sales tactics and intrusive adverts do not work. This is why browser extensions like AdBlock have become so popular. Fortunately, Instagram provides plenty of opportunities for your small business to engage consumers without resorting to antiquated advertising efforts. When used properly, an Instagram marketing strategy can help you push sales while you spread your brand.

What is Instagram?

Despite it being one of the most frequently used apps in both Google Play and the Apple App Store, Instagram is a puzzle to many people who do not use it on a regular basis. If you fall into this category, luck is on your side; Instagram is simple to use, and you can learn all of its features within a few minutes.

How is Instagram Different from Other Social Media Sites?

It is a common misconception that Instagram is just another Facebook or Twitter. Unlike these popular social media sites, Instagram is an image-based platform. This means that videos and photographs are the primary form of communication, and text is secondary. As such, it is imperative to deliver your message through the form of an image of video which instantly draws in the consumer. For example, if you want to provide statistics about your products and services, you can post an easy-to-read infographic that highlights your main points. Many businesses on Instagram have successfully used this tactic.

Instagram allows users to ‘like’ and share content that interests them with their community. Among the 400 million active monthly users are celebrities and influential personalities that garner thousands of likes per post with audiences that can range in the millions. You can expand the impact of your posts by linking them with your small business’s Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Instagram was acquired by Facebook in 2012 which gave users the ability to link directly to other social media sites. This lets you easily share the same post across a variety of social media platforms to reach your entire audience.

Hashtags Rule the Day

The hashtag is a powerful way to spread your content reach and engage with people who have the potential to become your customer. Used on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, hashtags transform normal portions of text in posts into searchable keywords. By pairing your product’s name and important terms with hashtags, you will make it easier for users to find your posts. You can also benefit by incorporating trending hashtags into your posts. Since many people search for posts with trending hashtags during certain periods, your brand can spread rapidly if you post engaging images that are paired with these hot keywords.

Bringing it All Together: How is Instagram Useful for Small Businesses?

Instagram affords small businesses plenty of ways to take your business to the next level without breaking your budget. Instagram is incredibly useful for reaching people from various niches and demographic groups. You can also use Instagram to:

  • Discover keywords for advertising campaigns
  • Perform consumer research
  • Engage consumers and ask for feedback

If you don’t have the time or resources to become an engaging Instagram personality, you may wish to tap into Instagram influencers. Instagram influencers are individuals with large online followings who can affect which products consumers will buy due to their knowledge or authority. It is important to build a relationship with influencers in your niche so that they can help spread the word about your product or service. This can be done by offering them a chance to try out your product or service or by establishing a partnership with them. Because of the diverse nature of Instagram,

Where to Begin?

Now that you know the basics of Instagram, take the time to figure out whether Instagram would be the correct market for your product or service. Ask yourself If you are able to produce aesthetically pleasing content and are able to take the time to engage and interact with your followers. Pursuing a marketing strategy with Instagram can lead to huge payoffs if done correctly. Equip your business with Instagram and other tools for success to increase your profits.