What Millennials Want: Tech in the Workplace

Whether it’s the freshest technologies, the sleekest smartphones or the latest iterations in the Internet of Things (IoT), you can bet that millennials have already adopted it and made it their own. Often viewed as the hip, young professionals inhabiting the workforce, millennials have handled technology in a way that no other generation has. But when it comes to technology in the workplace, what exactly are millennials looking for?

We posed that exact question to a focus group of millennial professionals and their responses are as wide-ranging as they come. Then we bring in Randy Zajonczkoski, Director of IT at Dixon Schwabl to give us his professional take on the workplace needs of this tech-savvy generation.  With over two decades of experience, Randy has seen the office workspace evolve over time and offers helpful insights into the needs of the modern employee. Millennial influences on older generations, nostalgia and technology, equipping remote workers and the future of virtual reality are just a taste of what’s to come in this episode of Gain Your Edge.              

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Dixon Schwabl

Frontier Business


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