Assisted Living and Eldercare Featuring Cindy Farley the Vice President of Genesis Healthcare

Middle-aged couple looking at a laptop screenMiddle-aged couple looking at a laptop screen

Gain Your Edge is a biweekly podcast on all things IT. This week’s podcast focuses on technology in assisted-living facilities and elder-care centers. We’ll explain the varying and evolving technology needs of residents and patients at assisted-care facilities, their caregivers and those who operate these facilities. Our guest is Cindy Farley of Genesis Health Corporation.

Gain Your Edge is a twice-monthly podcast on all things IT. This week’s podcast focuses on assisted living. Our guest is Cindy Farley, vice president of sales and marketing at Genesis Health Care Corporation.

Cindy referenced the following resources during our podcast, and here they are, for your reading pleasure:


SNF: Skilled Nursing Facility

ALS: Assisted Living Facility

Additional Resources

Managed Care Trends in Medicaid


Telemedicine Part 1Part 2 and Part 3 (Telehealth)

Genesis Health Care Corporation


More details:

Host: Skip Lineberg

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