Headlines with a Hacker – May 2018 Edition

Ep.51_Headlines with a Hacker May-04Ep.51_Headlines with a Hacker May-04

Showers, flowers, and the month of May means that spring is upon us. In the spirit of the season, we decided to do some spring cleaning of our own and take a look into the latest tech headlines and trends. Today, Skip welcomes back our resident white hat hacker, Bill Gardner for the seventh installment of Headlines with a Hacker. Ransomware, malware, autonomous vehicles, and virtual reality goggles all make an appearance on today’s episode. A special segment on Facebook’s latest data breach and figuring out if it’s time to delete our accounts is up for debate as well.

As an author, professor and white-hat hacker, Bill is a true tech triple-threat who uses his experience to provide crucial IT security tips. With an eye for notable stories, Bill is always on the lookout for the latest tech headlines currently affecting the industry. He presents his valuable perspectives on the IT news of the day to give your business a competitive edge. Listen in to stay up to date with the latest fascinations in the world of tech.

References and Resources

Homeland Security Today – Cities, Companies Should Heed Warning of Atlanta Ransomware Attack, Say Experts

CNN – Atlanta Ransomware Attack

Total360 Business Continuity

Podcast: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery with Total360

Popular Mechanics – The Way We Talk About Self-Driving Cars Is Going To Get People Killed

The New York Times – Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far

The New York Times – Mark Zuckerberg Testifies on Facebook Before Skeptical Lawmakers

TechCrunch – Facebook Moves to Shrink Its Legal Liabilites Under GDPR


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Host Skip Lineberg

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