Network Security Featured Guest: Sandeep Shashikant Manager of Product Development & Marketing with Frontier Secure

Sandeep Shashikant frontier secure small business securitySandeep Shashikant frontier secure small business security

This week’s podcast is on Network Security. We’ll discuss the latest major cyberattacks and what businesses of all sizes can do to better protect their network and their data. Our guest is Sandeep Shashikant, manager for product development and marketing at Frontier Communications.

Sandeep referenced the following articles and resources during our podcast and here they are, for your reading pleasure:


IRS Hacked. 100,000 Accounts Exposed. What Does This Means to You?

8 Cybersecurity Resolutions to Make for 2015

Massive Security Bug in OpenSSL Could Affect Huge Chunk of the Internet


Frontier Secure

Frontier Secure Blog


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Host: Skip Lineberg

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