Google Trends helped us identify what America likes to stream in 2016
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Tidbits, Factoids, and Other General Hogwash We Found Interesting
Delaware doesn’t stream ❓
What’s up with this, guys? Seriously, this threw a massive wrench into our findings. If you’re not streaming, what exactly are you doing?
Google Trends indicates people in Delaware tend to be more interested in schools, events, and other various institutions within their own state lines—a clear sign that striking up a conversation about the latest big death on Game of Thrones might not be the best way to impress natives of “The First State.”
Unless they watched it live, which is totally possible.
#TheNorthRemembers (people in Delaware probably don’t get this)
People go mad for March Madness 🏀 in the Midwest (that’s alliteration)
Top schools throughout the Midwest (think Notre Dame, Butler, and Kansas) tend to be major players in the NCAA Basketball Tournament, so the fact people were searching for ways to stream this event, isn’t the most surprising Cinderella story we’ve ever heard.
Maine streamed the Republican Debate 🐘 (what?)
With most states honing in on big sporting events and popular TV shows, we’re just glad somebody seems to care about the current state of politics in this country.
Yes, the unfiltered flimflam and red-faced antics of Donald Trump definitely make for solid viewing entertainment, but the fact that Maine is a Blue State has us scratching our heads.
On the flip side, Bernie lovers in Vermont still lean (or stream?) to the left with the most interest in streaming the Democratic Debate.
[bctt tweet=”Maine, Aren’t you a blue state? ME most interested in streaming the #GOP debate. #MEpolitics”]
Dear Arizona, the Lannisters 👑 send their regards
If you haven’t watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones, you probably shouldn’t be reading this. In fact, you should probably just stay away from the Internet altogether as spoilers lurk around every corner.
But if you’re from Arizona, chances are you’ve watched every episode—twice—so can we have a serious conversation about Hodor? That guy was awesome. Keep streaming, my friends. Winter is coming.
Side note: Game of Thrones—also streamed regularly in Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and Colorado—was the most-pirated show of 2015.
[bctt tweet=”Has #GameofThrones captured the attention of more Americans than the Presidential Debate this year?”]
The Walking Dead 💀 roam through the streets of Virginia & Texas
This isn’t a jab at Virginians and Texans—they’re lovely people, not mindless zombies. They’re also pretty passionate about AMC’s The Walking Dead, streaming the series more than any other show or event.
The Walking Dead wormed its way into the cultural zeitgeist in October of 2010 and has since gone on to spawn legions of fans and a spin-off.
So, we get it, Texas and Virginia. We get it.
Illinois and Louisiana have been chugging Queen Bey’s Lemonade 🍋
You’ve heard about Becky, right? The girl with the good hair? If our research is any indication (it is), your friends in Illinois and Louisiana definitely have.
And they’ve probably already come up with their own theory as to who “Becky” really is.
Beyoncé’s Lemonade—a visual album, elevated by a one-hour film on HBO—was a national sensation, praised by critics and embraced by fans all over the world.
It also broke the Internet.
[bctt tweet=”Illinois & Louisiana chose @Beyonce’s #Lemonade over the #PresidentialElection2016. #ichoosebey”]
Other Tasty Morsels
According to data published by Nielsen, 48 percent of U.S. households had access to at least one video streaming service in the fourth quarter of 2015.
The average American spends 4.88 hours watching TV each day.