Man working from home and using laptop

Work from Home Internet

The top speed requirements for at-home internet

The tools you need to get your work done from the comfort of your home.

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Bearded man working from home and conferencing with co-workers on a video call.

What's the best internet for working from home?

Working from home can mean something different for everyone. Some remote positions are writing-based, some involve customer service, while others focus on data entry. Whatever you do for remote work, one thing's for sure: you need internet.

Participating in conference calls or downloading/uploading large files are just some of the many expectations for those who work remotely. Skype calls alone need up to 1.5 Mbps download/upload speeds. Choosing an internet package that gives you at least 6 Mbps is a great place to start.

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How do bandwidth requirements affect you?

Information from the internet and how much your computer can handle at a time involves bandwidth. The more bandwidth you have, the more your computer can receive and send data faster, which means you’ll experience better upload/download speeds.

Bandwidth determines how much data your computer can send while speed determines how fast the data will come. To work from home successfully, you need to make sure the available bandwidth is strong enough to meet your work requirements.


What you need to know about upload speeds and data caps

Providers often impose monthly data caps, and if so, you're limited on how much data your computer can transfer while working online. For example, if you stream your favorite show in the background while answering your emails, your connection might slow down because you're using a lot of bandwidth.

This kind of limitation puts a strain on being able to work from home, specifically when it comes to uploading and posting files. Uploading large files can eat into your available data cap and also affects your speed because it consumes bandwidth, slowing down the overall process.

Frontier offers symmetrical upload and download speeds on some of its fiber internet products, with no data caps or restrictions. Working from home may have its ups and downs, but with no data caps and equal upload and download speeds, Frontier makes it a breeze.

Woman working from home, and talking to co-workers on a video call.

Working from home? VPN requirements can help

Working from home often requires you to deal with sensitive data and information. In fact, some jobs require you to show proof that you can keep documents secure, especially when dealing with things like medical files. A VPN or Virtual Private Network gives your internet usage an extra level of security.

A VPN essentially functions as a gatekeeper for any website visited. Even if you’re using a hotspot or public network, your internet footprint can’t be tracked or intercepted. A VPN can give an added sense of security to those working remotely. VPNs are installed by using either a free program or paid one. With a free program, you can expect data caps and possible bandwidth restrictions. A paid version generally prioritizes speed. Whether you work online occasionally or continuously, it’s smart to use a VPN to keep your work secure.

Frontier can help meet your remote needs

Working remotely has more than its fair share of perks, from no commute to setting your schedule to taking meetings in your sweatpants. But, for things to go smoothly, you need to be equipped.

Frontier makes it easy for you to work from home. Not only does Frontier offer internet so that you can keep up in the virtual office, but also a home phone service that will keep you connected even if you have no cell service. Choose between various internet speeds that fit your bandwidth requirement needs and pair it with a voice service so that when you’re working from home, you’re ready, connected, and reachable.

For new residential Frontier Internet customers only. Max speeds if indicated, and optimal performance, are wired. Service capabilities subject to location. Wi-Fi, actual & average speeds or performance vary. Performance details: Service subject to availability. Cannot be combined with other offers. Other restrictions, Frontier policies and service terms apply.